Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pentacostal women and their hair...?

Can a pentacostal woman wear a wig if she is going bald? If so can she wear a short haired wig? I ask because I know that their hair is their Crown of glory or something like that and they are not allowed to cut it. But I seen 3 pentacostal women at the mall buying those clip on ponytail things. Since then this question has racked my brain.

Pentacostal women and their hair...?

They can wear wigs, weave, or whatever they want in their hair. Their religion has nothing to do with their hair. Don't take that scripture too literally. It didn't mean women couldn't put things in their hair or wear wigs, weaves, etc. Your hair is at the top of your body, your body is supposed to be your temple and the head is where the crown would be.

Pentacostal women and their hair...?

They are trying to be like Samson......strange....

Pentacostal women and their hair...?

How do you know they were Pentecostal? Did you ask them? I have seen Baptist that wear the long skirts and long hair.

The Bible does say that a woman's hair is her glory. I am so sorry, but that long stringy hair is not very glorious.

Maybe if they were to go bald they would wear an Amish type cap.

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