Monday, July 27, 2009

How do you style your hair?

I straighten my curly hair almost every day with a straightening iron just to usually end up in a clip or ponytail

How do you style your hair?

I'm losing it,used to have three,the hairdresser would comb one to a side,one straight back.When it came down to two I had a W - I -D - E parting.

Now I'm down to the one,I leave it casual!

How do you style your hair?

You really shouldn't..I love my curls!!!

How do you style your hair?

Depends on my mood.

How do you style your hair?

Somedays it's straight, some days it's curly, some days it's wavy. But I always wear it in a bun at work.

How do you style your hair?

Didn't realise my hair had a style?

How do you style your hair?

that's funny I have flat straight hair and I curl it for more body

How do you style your hair?

straighten my hair...clip up the bangs

half- ponytail

bangs down...straightened hair

ponytail w/ bangs down

little bit of hair up while the rest is straightened down

curl it -- on special occasions lol

How do you style your hair?

personally, i believe that everyone looks better w/ their natural hair, including me, so i dont do anything to it really, except just a ponytail--half up usually

How do you style your hair?

changes day to day, but it's always straightened and blown out.

How do you style your hair?

I fluff it with gel and go. Some day the right hair stylist will teach you the ease of loving those curls.

How do you style your hair?

I style it different ways. Sometimes I have it up, sometimes I platt it and put it up with a clip, and sometimes it's in a pony tail. It depends. It is more stylish for special events.

How do you style your hair?

It's cut short and in layers. I just run a brush through it and I'm out the door.

How do you style your hair?

i have short hair with weird curles/waves and i really don't like it either! i blow dry my hair (which usually straightens most of it) and then i use redkin's rewind and make it kind of messy. it's fast and it looks okay, too!

How do you style your hair?

Well, I have long, straight blonde hair so there are many ways to wear it. If I'm in a hurry, I wrap it up into a bun. When I want to keep it out of my face, I wear a braid. When I want to look sexy, I keep it open and flowing. When I want to look sensible and smart, it goes back in a hair band or a clip. And when I just don't care, it goes into a pony tail.

How do you style your hair?

Just straight and open... may hair is pretty healthy, so it bounces, when you walk... looks nice! Or put it into a ponytail when I go to the gym.

How do you style your hair?

Dude, I don't even brush my hair. I let it air dry and then usually put it up in 5 seconds or leave it down all wavy. I'm waaaay too lazy to spend more than 5 minutes on my hair. I just kind of let it do what it wants and then we're both happy.

How do you style your hair?

I just get the stuff outta my face. It's down past my waist and I just wear a barrette or some kind of hair thingy so it doesn't fall in my face. I hate that.

How do you style your hair?

I've got thick wavy hair, I usually put it in a bun for work and that's it. For other times, ponytail for the gym or being active. When I leave it down though strange people have the habit of touching it and once a guy even smelled it, so I try not to do that in public. Also the fact that it's really long (it's up to my butt) is another reason I leave it up, but at home it's usually down.

How do you style your hair?

straight or ponytail with soft curls

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